Writing Assignment Rubric-1


4--Top Level:

clear and complete

effective communication of ideas

shows understanding of information

identifies all important elements of the question

strong supporting arguments

correct grammar and spelling, logical responses

correct facts

goes beyond requirements

3--Second Level:

contains a good solid response with some of the characteristics above, but not all

explains less elegantly, less completely, more spelling and grammar errors

does not go beyond requirements

2--Third Level:

contains complete responses, but the explanation may not be clear in order, sequence, ect.

presents an argument but is incomplete

may be inappropriate

indicate understanding of ideas and information but is not expressed clearly

1--Fourth Level:

omits significant parts or des not follow the guidelines of the assignment

has major errors

uses inappropriate ideas, information, grammar, ect


Writing Assignment Rubric-2

Rate the following statements: 4- Most Effective

3- Effective

2- Ineffective, but salvageable

1- Ineffective


___________is specific and gets the attention of the reader

___________gives a direction to the writing

___________makes you want to read on to find out more


___________the piece is easy to understand, identify with, and relate to

___________holds the attention of the reader

___________authors writing is honest and real

___________information used in the writing is accurate


___________adequate detail about the central idea

___________topic is not too broad

___________logical and well organized

___________finishes with a sense of closure

___________expresses viewpoint of the writer

___________makes you think, feel, tells you something, and/or entertains you

___________reader can picture what is happening or what is being described, descriptive detail


___________appealing title

___________legible penmanship, correct spelling, usage, punctuation, and paragraphing

___________word choices are simple, clear, direct, and non-repetitive

___________strong, vocabulary

___________balance of dialogue, thought, and description

___________paragraphs flow, consistent, makes sense

Adapted from Seeking Diversity: Reif ,1992.

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