4=Excellent, exceeded the requirements to a high degree
3= Very Good, exceeded the requirements
2= Met the requirements
1=Needs some improvements; have not quite met the requirements
Content of Speech and Presentation
Identified topics and information being presented
Included most important information. This information is supported by research.
Amount of information presented
Topics covered most or all of the questions asked about oceans
Group appears to have strong understanding of subject being presented
Use of Visual or other Aids
Visual Aids such as poster, chart or map were used
Use of media (transparency, TV, radio, ect.)
Appearance of visual aids
Delivery and Presentation
Oral delivery (varied rate, pitch, force, articulation, and quality)
Nonverbal delivery (eye contact, facial expressions, gesture, posture)
Used notecards effectively
Parts divided equally
Overall quality and length of presentation
TOTAL POINTS:____________ GRADE:____________