Questions to use for peer evaluation groups

(Writers Circle)

All of these questions should not be asked during the revising session. The best way to present the questions is to pick some that seem the most appropriate for the assignment and have the students work on answering two or three each time.



Where is the writing headed? Can the reader clearly tell?

Does the writing stay on track or does it drift off to other, unrelated subjects?

Is the writer trying to do too much or too little with the piece?

Does the author seem to "care" about his or her writing?


When your are through, can your easily summarize or retell the piece in your own words?

Can the reader understand the piece easily?

Are there parts that you found confusing?

Are there parts that need more explanation or evidence?

Are there places where the writer said too much or over explained the subject?

Can the reader visualize the subject?

Does it hold your interest all the way through?

Did you learn something new from this paper?


Do the main points seem to be in the right order?

Does the writer give you enough information so that you know what he or she is trying to accomplish?

Does the writer assume too much from the audience? Too little?

What changes does the writer need to make to better communicate with the reader?

Language and style:

Is the paper interesting and readable? Does it get dull?

Can your hear the writer’s voice and personality in it?

Does the writer use natural, proper language throughout?

Are the grammar, spelling, and punctuation correct?



Adapted from Calkins, L. (1986). The Art of Teaching Writing. NH: Heinemann Educational Books






Rough Draft

Peer Evaluation Sheet

Student:______________________________Topic of Piece:___________________________

My favorite aspect of this piece was......because......




The most positive aspects of this piece were......because.....






Parts that are done well but could be changed are.....





These parts could be improved by.......





What could be added to this piece......






The following grammar could be change for more fluency.....





Additional suggestions:






Evaluated by:________________________________________










Peer Responses to Writing

Use this sheet to respond to the piece of work you are evaluating. Do not discuss your responses until told to do so.


Point out what you like, what you hear, or what sticks out to you:








What questions would you ask the writer?








What are some suggestions you would give the writer?










Adapted from Seeking Diversity: Reif, 1992.

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