Oceans Group Presentation Project



  1. Gain a better understanding of the various oceans throughout the world by researching and mastering facts about specific oceans and seas.
  2. Present material in a manner others students in the class can understand.
  3. Work effectively within groups.


Library research on ocean books, periodicals, magazines, etc…

Internet (if available)


Materials will depend on how groups present their research. (unlimited)


An hour a day for a week will be set aside for the students to work on their projects. 5 hours

Also, an hour to an hour and a half will be set aside for all the groups to present their ocean research and findings.


  1. Tell the students that over the next five days they will research an ocean in one of four groups.
  2. The ocean each group will work on will be determined by picking out of a hat, being Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific. If class size is large, groups can be made smaller and groups can research and present on the different Seas like: Mediterranean, Black, Caspian, Baltic, Arabian, Yellow, etc…
  3. The group will be given an hour a day for one full week to go to the library or access the Internet to research and prepare for their presentations.
  4. Students will shape their presentations around a few set questions such as: What is the depth and size? What is its effect on our society? How do we benefit? Resources it provides? Other characteristics such as: salinity, temperature, density, waves, and currents. Encourage creativity and any other additional information.
  5. After first two days, students will hand in a web diagram of their ocean representing major characteristics and contributions the particular ocean provides to the world.
  6. After the five days are complete, students will hand in a map of their ocean, and information containing their ocean’s information and resources.
  7. Students will give their presentation on the ocean they selected.
  8. Students will complete a short evaluation on their peers after the presentation of their ocean.


  1. Criteria for success= will be determined on the groups effectiveness in describing the information of their ocean to the class. The group grade will be determined by the quality of their information presented to the class. Criteria for success- refer to oral presentation evaluation rubric #2
  2. Self and group evaluations will also be handed out and completed by each student for reflection on their group grade and individual grade. (Refer to self and group evaluation rubrics)

Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:

  1. Science-studying the oceans and ocean life.
  2. Social Studies- describing the location of the oceans, and the historical events of the ocean.
  3. Math-determining the depth and size of the ocean.
  4. Language Arts-writing and communicating information presented to the other students.

Possible Extensions:

  1. Conduct other research on seaways, rivers, and lakes that connect to the various oceans.

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