Longitude and Latitude Problems



Directions: For these problems, fill in the correct body of water found at the specific coordinates of longitude and latitude. Also, find the longitude and latitude coordinates of the listed bodies of water. Use the maps and globes provided to answer the questions.

*Fill in the name of the body of water located at the following coordinates

  1. 135 degrees West and 15 degrees North

  2. 45 degrees East and 30 degrees North

  3. 75 degrees East and 15 degrees South

  4. 150 degrees West and 75 degrees North

  5. 85 degrees West and 55 degrees North

  6. 20 degrees East and 35 degrees North

  7. 82 degrees West and 43 degrees North

  8. 90 degrees West and 40 degrees North

*Fill in the longitude and latitude coordinates for the bodies of water listed below

  1. Lake Superior (7) Lake Ontario

  2. Nile River (8) Amazon River

  3. Gulf of Mexico

  4. Lake Michigan

  5. Lake Titicaca

  6. Lake Victoria

  7. Lake Ontario

  8. Amazon River