Cooperative Group Evaluation Standards


"I work to help achieve the goals of the group"

4 I participate actively and even help lead the group in setting goals. I do the jobs assigned to me better than anyone expects.

3 I participate in the group discussions and show that I care about the group goals. I complete the jobs assigned to me.

2 I participate in the group discussions and show that i care about the group goals,
but I do not do the jobs assigned to me.

1 I do not participate in the group discussions or show that I care about the group goals; or I work against the group goals.


"I communicate well with the other group members."

4 I encourage good communication among the group members and try to make sure everyone shares their ideas. When I share my ideas, I show that I care about other
people’s feelings and ideas

3 I participate in group discussions without being asked to . When I share my ideas, I show that I care about others people’s feelings and ideas.

2 I participate in group discussions when I am asked to. When I share my ideas, I do not clearly show that I care about the feelings and ideas of others.

1 I do not participate in group discussions, even when asked to . I share ideas in a way that shows I do not really care about the feelings and ideas of others.


I help to make sure the group works well together.

4 I encourage the group to evaluate how well we are working together. I try to get everyone involved in thinking of ways to make changes when we need to improve. When we decide to make changes, I try to make sure the changes help us to work together better.

3 I participate in discussions of how well we are working together and help develop suggestions for changes when we need to improve. I work on making the changes that we agree to go through with.

2 I participate in discussions of how well we are working together only when I am asked to, and I do not offer any ideas on ways we can change. When we decide to change, I put little effort into making those changes.

1 I do not participate in discussions of how well we are working. I do not offer suggestions on how to change. I put no effort into changing when we decide to change; I prevent changes from happening.

McRel Institute, 1993

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