Title: Changes in the Wind: Earth's Shifting Climate

Author: Facklam, Margery and Howard Facklam

Illustrator: Facklam, Paul

Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

Year: 1986

Grade Level: 5-6

Genre: INF

Description: Examines the factors causing changes in the earth's climate and discusses predictions for the future.

Topics: Weather


Title: Chinook!

Author: Tunnell, Michael O.

Illustrator: Root, Barry

Publisher: Tambourine

Year: 1993

Grade Level: 3-4

Genre: MF; PB

Description: Mr. Andy tells Thad and Annie some tales about the spectacular effects of chinooks, hot winter winds that suddenly spring up and cause dramatic changes in the temperature.

Topics: Weather -- Winds; Tall Tales


Title: The Cloud Book

Author: de Paola, Tomie

Illustrator: de Paola, Tomie

Publisher: Holiday House

Year: 1975

Grade Level: 3-4

Genre: INF; PB

Description: This book presents ten clouds and tells about their shapes and the ways in which they forecast weather.

Topics: Clouds; Weather


Title: ComeaTide

Author: Lyon, George Ella

Illustrator: Gammell, Stephen

Publisher: Orchard

Year: 1990

Grade Level: K-2

Genre: CRF

Description: A girl provides a lighthearted account of the spring floods at her rural home.

Topics: Floods; Weather; Country Life


Title: Cross Your Fingers, Spit in Your Hat: Superstitions and Other Beliefs

Author: Schwartz, Alvin

Illustrator: Rounds'Glen

Publisher: Lippincott

Year: 1974

Grade Level: 3-4

Genre: INF

Description: Explains superstitions about such topics as love and marriage, money, ailments, travel, the weather, and death.

Topics: Superstition; Folklore


Title: The Long Winter

Author: Wilder, Laura Ingalls

Illustrator: Williams, Garth

Publisher: Harper & Row

Year: 1940

Grade Level: 5-6

Genre: HF

Description: After an October blizzard, Laura's family moves from the claim shanty into town for the winter, a winter that an Indian has predicted will be seven months of bad weather.

Topics: Frontier and Pioneer Life; Family Life; Blizzards


Title: Storms

Author: Simon, Seymour


Publisher: Morrow

Year: 1989

Grade Level: 5-6

Genre: INF; PB

Description: Describes the atmospheric conditions which create thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornadoes, lightning, and hurricanes and how violent weather affects people.

Topics: Storms; Weather


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