Rules for Shipping Simulation

1. Students must create and maintain a budget, which includes:

a. The loan received from the bank.

b. The amount spent on their ship.

c. The cost of maintaining a ship and crew.

1. Schooner: $2,000 to purchase

- Daily operation: $25

- Docking fees: $10 per day.

2. Brig: $3,000 to purchase

- Daily operation: $35

- Docking fees: $15 per day.

3. Full-rigged: $4,500 to purchase

- Daily operation: $50

- Docking fees: $20 per day.

2. Damages and repairs:

a. Torn sail

1. Lose one day and cost $25

b. Broken Mast

1. Lose 2 days and cost $75

c. Leaks

1. Lose 4 days and cost $100

3. Variations of weather:

a. Port weather

1. Clear skies - no delays

2. Storms in Ports

- Passes- no delay

- Hits - stay in port and lose a day for each day in port

b. Storms at Sea

1. Misses or can sail around it - no delay

2. Mild storm hits - possible sail damage - delay 1-3 days

3. Moderate storm hits - possible sail and mast damage - delay of 2-4 days

4. Severe storm hits - sail damage, possible mast and hull damage - delay of 4- 7 days

c. Simulated weather by teacher

1. Have a map of the U.S. and put "storms" in various places.

2. Have 10%, 50% etc of a chance of a storm, what type of storm mild, moderate, or severe. (Students will have a choice to continue or not due to this weather. Change randomly throughout simulation.)

3. Have three different dice of various number of sides for example 4,10, and 20. Rolling these will decide if the ship is hit by the storm and what the damages are.

4. Ship tonnage and effect on speed

1. Schooner - 1 ton carrying capacity.

a. Half capacity - speed slowed by 1/2 day

b. Full capacity - speed slowed by 1 day

2. Brig - 1.4 ton carrying capacity

a. Half capacity - speed slowed by 1 day

b. Full capacity - speed slowed by 1 1/2 days

3. Full-rigged - 2 ton carrying capacity

a. Half capacity - speed slowed by 1 1/2 days

b. Full capacity - speed slowed by 2 days

5. Speeds

1. Schooner

a. Strong wind - gain 3 days

b. Minor/Normal - no loss or gain

c. WeaklNo wind - lose 1 day

2. Brig

a. Strong wind - gain 2 days

b. Minor/Normal - no loss or gain

c. Weak/No Wind - lose 2 days

3. Full-Rigged

a. Strong wind - gain 1 day

b. Minor/Normal - no loss or gain

c. Weak/No wind - lose 3 days

*It is up to the teacher to determine how many days it takes to get to each port. Depends on which ports you used.

*Winds will be determined like the simulated weather by teacher, teacher will put strong, minor and weak winds on the map in random areas.


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