Rubric for Reader's Theater Skits

Voice Clarity

3 Entire skit was clear, concise and well articulated. Easy to understand.

2 Parts of skit were clear, concise and well articulated.

1 None of the skit was clear, concise or well articulated. Hard to understand.



3 The volume of the entire skit fit the scenes appropriately. (Used expression in their voices, loud and soft.)

2 Some sections of the skit fit the scenes appropriately. (Used some expression in their voices.)

1 Most of the skit did not fit the scenes appropriately. (Used no expression or inappropriate expression.)


Props (Visual)

3 Props were easy to see (colorful, attractive, etc), and recognizable.

2 Some props were recognizable.

1 Props were poorly constructed, not easy to see or recognizable.


Props (Usage)

3 Props were used effectively to enhance skit.

2 Some props were used effectively.

1 No props used or used ineffectively.



3 The skit is based on the story but students have brought their own actions or props into the acting out of the story.

2 The skit is based on the story and students use a few of their own ideas and props.

1 The skit is based on the story and the students have not used props or expressed the meaning of the skit through their actions.


Over all Presentation

3 Sequence of the story is followed and the students were enthusiastic about performing.

2 Sequence was partially followed and the students showed some enthusiasm about performing.

1 Sequence was not followed and the students had little or no enthusiasm for performing.


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