Sample Manifest

Home port company: Acme Fertilizer (will differ for each port)

Shipments must be finished with in 70 days, if finished in 58 days a bonus will be added.

1) 1 ton of fertilizer goes to port A.

2) 415 ton goes to port B.

3) 1 1/3 tons go to port C.

4) 1/4 ton goes to port D.

5) 8/9 ton goes to port E.

* The number of shipments will depend on the number of groups, and therefore the number of ports in use.

* The shipments can be made in any order the teams decide. Which ever way they think will be the most efficient.

* The amounts of products shipped will be different for each product and port.

* Payment for separate shipments will be determined by the teacher on the basis of distance and tonnage. Bonus will be an extra 10-20% of total payment.

* Students will use this to determine which ship they will use, and therefore how large of a loan they will ask the bank.

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