Song Rubric

A: Creativity

4--Song exhibits excellent originality and creativity.

3--Song exhibits some originality and creativity.

2--Song exhibits little originality and creativity.

1--Song exhibits no originality or creativity.

B: Group Collaboration

4--Every individual in group contributed to the writing and presenting of the song.

3--Most individuals in group contributed to the writing and presenting of the song.

2--Group work was done mostly by one individual.

C: Ocean Theme

4--Song reflects ocean theme.

1--Song does not reflect ocean theme.

D: Use of Aides (visual and audio)

4--Students' presentation uses visual and audio aides.

3--Students' presentation uses visual or audio aides.

2--Students' presentation uses neither visual or audio aides

E: Handouts

4--Students presenting give classmates a handout of their lyrics.

1--Students presenting do not give classmates a handout of their lyrics.

F: Overall

4--Students' songs and presentation are entertaining and informative.

3--Students' songs and presentation are somewhat entertaining and informative.

2--Students' songs and presentation are slightly entertaining and informative.

1--Students' songs and presentation are not entertaining or informative.

Student Assessment:_______________

Teacher Assessment:_______________

Overall Assessment: _______________

***The student and teacher will use the rubric to assess the students' song. The two grades will be averaged together and then the cumulative grade will be recorded.

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