Topic: Project Work Time

Lessons #6, 9, 12, 15, 19, 22, 25, 27

Grade Level: 6,7,8


*The students will make progress on their proposed projects.

*The students will collaborate as a group.

*The students will use a variety of instructional media and techniques throughout the course of the project.


*Whatever students need for individual projects

Content Areas:

*Students projects will include Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math

*Students projects may also include Music, Art, Culture



*Port cities

*Specific group's port city


1. Students will be given a specific amount of time each day to work on their group projects. Students will be expected to bring any materials that they need.

2. Students will have to hand in a paragraph after each of their group meetings describing what the group accomplished in the time given. Also required will be a list of the group members and what each member did to contribute to the project during that time.

Evaluation: The students need to turn in the accountability sheet (see attached) at the end of each working day. All of the students must sign this sheet and have input as to what is written on it. Only one accountability sheet needs to be turned in for each group. This will serve as the method of evaluation for this lesson and it will also keep the students accountable for what it is that they are doing during the time they are given to work on their projects. This sheet will also help the teacher to know where the students are at and if they need any help with any aspect of their project. These sheets will be checked off by the teacher to make sure that they are turned in. The groups that turn in the sheet will receive a "pass" grade if it is turned in on time and all of the questions are answered.

Approximate Time: 1 hour per day


-Allow time for students to verbally present what they had done for that day.

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