Topic: Final Group Project Presentations

Lesson #28

Grade Level: 6,7,8


*The students will present their final group projects on each port city.

*The students will gain more knowledge about the six port cities and their relationship to the oceans.


*Anything that the individual groups need

Content Areas:

*Language Arts

*Social Studies


*Public speaking




1. Each port city will be represented through a presentation given by the select groups of students.

2. After each group presents, have the class give feedback to the group. Remind the students that their feedback should be constructive. Also have the students express what they learned not only during the presentation by also while doing the research.

3. After all groups are finished, have the class talk as a whole about what they liked and did not like about the project. Ex: Was it too much work? Did they learn anything?

Evaluation: Students will be evaluated based on the rubric they received when this assignment was given.

Approximate Time: 4 hours

Extensions: These presentations could be filmed and use different multimedia techniques that the students have learned. Then, the films could be presented to the class.

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Teacher's Note: Reminder that the teacher should set the criteria for successful student performance. For example: Student must have all 3s and 4s on the rubric to get an A, etc.