Topic: Cultural Party

Lesson #29


Grade Level: 6,7,8


*The students will experience some of the food, music and other aspects of the cultures of the different cities they have been studying.

*The students may see the relationship to the culture and the ocean.


*Whatever the students decided on during the planning lesson

Content Areas:

*Social Studies

*Fine Arts--Music, Dance



*Public Speaking



1. Let the students wander the room to experience everything in the room.

2. Have a good time!!

3. The teacher will discuss with the students after the party, what the benefits of an activity like this would be. Ex: to experience hands-on what some of the food tastes like, what some of the dances they do are, what the music sounds like, etc.

Evaluation: The students won't really be evaluated on this activity. You may want to give extra credit points to those students who really helped get this activity together and to be a success. The assessment that takes place can be left up to the individual teacher.

Approximate Time: 2 hours

Extensions: The students could watch films about the different port cities or perhaps visit local restaurants which serve food traditional of a certain country.

Teacher's Note: You may want to set some ground rules for this activity/party so that things don't get out of hand. Things like this can be fun but when people lose control, it ruins it for everyone. You may want to tell the students that it is a privilege to have an activity like this and they wouldn't want to ruin it for themselves.

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