Choose Your Own Adventure Rubric

A. Development of Story

3- The story is well developed. Each selection contains a well thought out plot. The story uses great description and gives the reader a sense of time and place.

2- The story is somewhat developed. The writer uses some description that gives the reader a sense of time and place.

1- There is no real development in the story. The reader does not grasp a sense of time, place, or events that occur throughout the story.


B. Readability

3- All choices are linked to the appropriate pages.

2- Some choices are linked to the appropriate pages.

1- Cannot follow the links, the pages do not correlate with choice being made


C. Originality

3- The content of the story is based off a main idea in The Black Pearl, but the links are students own ideas.

2- The content of the story is based off a main idea in The Black Pearl and some links are students ideas.

1- The whole story uses the ideas and events in The Black Pearl. There is no evidence of students original work.


D. Other Requirements

a. Includes accurate spelling Yes___ or No___

b. Grammatical errors Yes___ or No___