Guide Sheets






Group 1: Environment

Where is Baja?


What is the climate like in:






How do certain winds such as El Nino or the Chinook wind affect the people of the Baja Peninsula?


How are the people affected by the climate?


What type of land features does the Peninsula have--caves, lagoons, mountains, harbors?


What type of ocean life is around the Peninsula?


In relation to work and daily life, how do the people of Baja use the ocean?


What type of plant life will you find in Baja?


What type of animal life will you find in Baja?


What are some current environmental issues the people of Baja are dealing with--endangered species, water or air pollution?


What is the approximate land mass of the peninsula?

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Group 2: Government

What type of government is set up in Mexico? Has it always been like this?


Do they have a constitution? What does it say?


How do people maintain order amongst themselves?


Are there social classes? If so, how is this determined?


Who determines the ruling party?


Have governing parties changed over time?


What government actions have affected Baja?


Do women vote? If so, when did they get the right to vote and what struggles did they face?


How are people punished when they do not obey the law?

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Group 3: Economy

What are some of the different kinds of goods produced in Baja?


Are all goods and services produced in Mexico shared equally among the people?


What natural resources are in the Baja Peninsula?


What human resources are used?


Is there a large farming industry?


What ways do people of Baja earn a living?


What sort of economic difficulties has the Peninsula experienced in the past? Are they having any currently?


What role does tourism play in their economy?


How important is the ocean to Baja's economic development?

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Group 4: Culture


What type of homes do they have?


What are some contributions the Mexican people have made?


What historical events have brought about changes in the culture of Baja?


What cultural groups have influenced the people in the Baja area? How?


How many people live in the Baja Peninsula?


Are the men the "bread winners" or is this shared equally among men and women?



What religions/beliefs will you find in this area of Mexico?


What role does religion play in their daily life?


Do they hold any religious festivals? If yes, what?


What is their creation story?

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Group 5: Culture


What does the traditional Mexican clothing look like?


Is this traditional clothing worn on certain special occasions?


What different types of food do they eat? Share some recipes.


What sort of sports do the people in Baja participate in?


What type of hobbies or other leisure activities do they participate in?


What type of festivals do they hold?


What holidays do they celebrate?


How do they celebrate these holidays?



What historical events have brought changes in art?


Find some Mexican artists and paintings to show.


What do certain colors represent in Mexico?


What type of dancers are common? Teach the class a couple of steps.


What type of music is common?


Is there an instrument that is specifically from Mexico?


What is some of their folklore?

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