Vocabulary for Come Back, Salmon.

Alevin- a newly hatched salmon with its yolk sac still attached.

Embryo - the tiny living thing inside a fertilized egg.

Environment - everything surrounding a living thing that affects

the way it grows or develops.

Eyed egg - a month-old egg at the stage when the embryo's large,

dark eyes can be seen through the egg.

Fertilize - to combine sperm with an egg to create new life.

Fish ladder - a series of pools arranged like steps so that a fish can

jump up from one to the next.

Fry - baby salmon that have used up their yolk sacs and are ready

to find their own food.

Gill - the organ that fish use for breathing.

Hatch - coming forth from an egg.

Milt - sperm-filled fluid sprayed by a male fish to fertilize eggs.

Plankton - tiny organisms that float or drift in the sea.

Pollution - whatever poisons or destroys the cleanliness and purity

of air, earth, or water.

Redd - the hole (nest) in the bottom of a stream in which a female

salmon lays her eggs.

Smolt - young salmon that is ready to migrate to the ocean.

Spawn - to lay eggs or fertilize them.

Sperm - the seed of life in a male which combines with an egg to produce an embryo.

Watershed - the drainage area around a stream or river.

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