Reflection Questions for Come Back, Salmon.

Chapter One: Where Did All the Salmon Go?

Do you think it would be a good idea to adopt a stream? Do you think it would be possible in the future to extend this program into adopt an ocean? Who might adopt the ocean? Which countries do you think would be responsible?

Chapter Two: Operation Pigeon Creek.

List the types of pollution found in Pigeon Creek. How do you think pollution ended up in Pigeon Creek? Do you think Mr. King's students can achieve their goals alone?

Chapter Three: The Fish That Went to School.

Why was everyone so excited about the salmon? What does raising salmon indicate as far as the clean-up of Pigeon Creek? Were the salmon a big responsibility?

Chapter Four: Good-bye, Good-bye.

Imagine that you are one of the coho salmon released into Pigeon Creek. How would you feel as you were released into the creek after a life of captivity? What would you do first? Where would you swim?

Chapter Five: The Journey.

How does a young salmon get to the ocean? Does the salmon ever get homesick? Why does the salmon want to go home? Has there ever been a time where you were homesick and could not go home? If so, how did you feel and how did you overcome your feelings?

Chapter Six: Come back, Salmon.

Did you like the book? Were you surprised at the end when the salmon came back?

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