Lobbying Successfully

1. The most valuable service a lobbyist can perform is to give a law maker sound information about an issue.

2. Lobbyists should be informed about the issues and impacts on your area; costs, environmental impact, degradation, new public services required, commitment of resources.

3. Collect data from several sources to begin to detect weaknesses and slanted opinions so you can challenge them.

The lobbying process:

1. Form an informal coalition of individuals and groups.

2. Meet with legislators at home or during free time at school.

3. If your legislator supports a bill, ask their advice on how to help get it passed. Send legislators new information you find. Encourage legislator to lobby their fellow legislators.

4. If they oppose the bill ask them why they oppose the bill, and send them good information in response.

5. Send fellow lobbyists to legislative hearing to testify.

Educate your community:

1. Pass a resolution and get publicity on it.

2. Ask friends and family members to write letters to the editor, touching on different aspects of the issue.

3. Ask an Alderman or county official to get a resolution passed by city council or county board.

4. Call Radio and TV stations to ask them for a public affairs program on your issue.

5. State an event around issue and notify the press.

6. If local legislators and your community are already on your side, ask them to contact decision makers in other areas.

Tools for lobbyists:

The Wisconsin Blue Book lists names and addresses and other vital statistics about legislators, along with other forms of useful information. Check your library.

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