Presentation Rubric


1. Presenter speaks in a clear voice.

2. Presenter uses excellent eye contact.

3. Presenter gives information in a consistent and organized manner.

4. Presenter uses visual aids which effectively enhance the material.

Above Average

1. Presenter adequately speaks in a clear voice.

2. Presenter uses adequate eye contact with audience.

3. Presenter gives information in an adequate, organized manner.

4. Presenter uses visual aids that relate to the material which is being presented.


1. Presenter usually speaks in a clear voice.

2. Presenter usually uses eye contact with audience.

3. Presenter usually gives information in an organized manner.

4. Presenter uses visual aids.


Below Average

1. Presenter does not speak with a clear voice.

2. Presenter does not make eye contact with audience.

3. presenter does not give information in an organized manner.

4. Presenter does not use visual aids.

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