Beach Sweep



Upon returning from the beach, you will be expected to write a minimum of

one type-written letter to the editor describing:

A) your thoughts before completing the beach sweep-- the effects of an unclean beach.

B) what the beach looked like before the beach sweep.

C) the work involved in a beach sweep.

D) how beach looked after the beach sweep.

E) how we as citizens can maintain a clean, healthy.

(Please understand that you are not limited to these points, and are

encouraged to expand on additional points.)

* For this part of the assignment, you will be graded as follows . . .

Exemplary (20 pts.)

Thoughts, ideas, and opinions are stated crystal clear.

Examples are given.

Grammar and sentence structure are error-free.

Above Average (15 pts.)

Thoughts, ideas, and opinions are expressed in great detail.

Grammar and sentence structure is satisfactory.

Average (10 pts.)

Thoughts, ideas, and opinions are minimally reflected upon.

Grammar and sentence structure has minimal errors.

Below Average (5 pts.)

Thoughts, ideas, and opinions are insignificantly reflected upon and make little sense.

Grammar and sentence structure is lacking.

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