Tour Book Requirements

  1. The name given to the coastal city or island is appropriate and shows creativity.

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____




  2. The coastal city or island has many famous attractions that are intriguing for the visit (ex. zoo, scuba diving, amusement parks, and monuments).

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____





  3. There is at least a choice of 3 hotels, 3 restaurants, 3 rental places, and 4 attractions from which to choose while visiting.

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____





  4. Prices are given for the lodging, food, rentals, and attractions. These prices are appropriate and realistic.

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No





  5. The weather for the coastal city or island is researched and appropriate.

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____




  1. The tour book is very professional looking and it is composed in a logical order.

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____





  2. The information contained within the tour book is logical and there are no grammar or spelling errors.

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____





  3. All group members participated during this activity and equally shared in the work.

    Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____




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Tour Book Bonanza lesson

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