Self-Assessment Rubric


I. Effort

4 - I pushed myself hard and gave everything I had to this assignment with an above satisfactory result.

3 - I tried hard on this assignment and the result was satisfactory.

2 - I gave some effort towards this assignment, but the outcome was below satisfactory.

1 - I gave little or no effort to this assignment and my outcome was unsatisfactory.

Student_____________ Teacher_____________



II. Expectations

4 - I went above the set requirements and expectations of myself and the teacher.

3 - I fulfilled most expectations that my teacher and I had set.

2 - I fulfilled some of the expectations that my teacher and I had set.

1 - I fulfilled only a few, if any expectations, that my teacher and I had set.

Student_____________ Teacher_____________



III. Mastery/End Product

I showed that I had a handle on the key concepts and could display them in the end product correctly.

Student: Yes_____ No_____ Teacher: Yes_____ No_____



For this particular rubric, the creators of this unit define success to be a score of 3 or 4 on each of the criterion. The scoring and criteria of this rubric may be adjusted to suit the curricular needs of teachers and students.

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