Salt Dough Map Work Rubric

  1. Knowledge of Geographical Locations

    4 - The student identifies all of the major land areas and waterways associated with the map and relates these locations to the larger scale world map.

    3 - The student identifies some of the major land areas and waterways associated with the map and relates these locations to the larger scale world map.

    2 - The student identifies few of the major land areas and waterways associated with the map and rarely relates these locations to the larger scale world map.

    1 - The student does not identify any of the land areas and waterways.

    Student _____________ Teacher _____________



  2. Scales

    The created scale on the salt dough map portrays an accurate correlation between the distance on the map to the actual distance on the Earth.

    Student: Yes______ No_______ Teacher: Yes _______ No _______



  3. Measurements

    4 - The student employs effective measurement skills and techniques (i.e. correct measurement of salt dough map materials, use of rulers, accurate conversions, and scale ratios)

    3 - The student sometimes employs effective measurement skills and techniques.

    2 - The student rarely employs measurement skills and techniques.

    1 - The student does not employ measurement skills and techniques.

    Student _____________ Teacher _____________




  4. Legend
4 - The legend contains all of the proper symbols necessary to make the map clear and understandable to the viewer.

3 - The legend contains most of the proper symbols necessary to make the map clear and understandable to the viewer.

2 - The legend contains few of the proper symbols necessary to make the map clear and understandable to the viewer.

1- The legend does not contain proper symbols to make the map clear and understandable to the viewer.

Student _____________ Teacher _____________


  1. Quality/Appearance
The salt dough map is of high quality, which is demonstrated by effective painting skills, labeling skills, and time/effort placed into the creation of the map by the student.

Student: Yes______ No_______ Teacher: Yes ______ No _______



For this particular rubric, the creators of this unit define success to be a score of 3 or 4 on each of the criterion. The scoring and criteria of this rubric may be adjusted to suit the curricular needs of teachers or students.


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