Rubric for Papier Mache Sea Monsters


I. Follows Directions

4 - The students have followed all directions and safety rules including paste use, form building, and cooperative learning.

3 - The students followed the directions for building but ignored some of the safety precautions.

2 - The students followed some of the directions and safety rules leading to a successful project.

1 - The students failed to follow directions and safety rules, which resulted in an incomplete or incorrect approach to the project.

Teacher__________ Student__________




II. Met Objectives

4 - The students have met all of the objectives for the project including an understanding for form and color, a hands-on approach to learning, and an understanding of the connection to the research material.

3 - The students have met some of the objectives for the project, but have neglected to connect it to the research material.

2 - The students have met few of the objectives and show confusion with the concepts and connections.

1 - The students fail to meet any of the objectives, which can be seen by incorrect form, color, and connection to learning material.

Teacher__________ Student__________




III. Analyzation of Research Material

4 - The students demonstrate an understanding of the research material and have analyzed it well in order to form the sea monster.

3 - The students demonstrate a basic understanding of the research, but detail of the sea monster is lacking.

2 - The students demonstrate somewhat of an understanding of the research material, but discrepancies can be seen between the project and descriptions.

1 - The students do not demonstrate an understanding of the research material, which is seen by the great differences between the project and the descriptions of the monster in the material.

Teacher__________ Student__________




IV. The overall project displays quality-painting skills, a realistic scale model, and is completed to give other students an image of research and presented material.

Teacher: Yes____ No____ Student: Yes____ No____




For this particular rubric, the creators of this unit define success to be a score of 3 or 4 on each of the criterion. The scoring and criteria of this rubric may be adjusted to suit the curricular needs of teachers or students.

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Papier Mache Sea Monsters And Sea Monster Poems lesson

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