Rubric for Journal Reflections of

The Voyage of Odysseus


I. Communication

4 - The student communicates clearly, through writing, an understanding of the story, the characters, and the events related to The Odyssey.

3 - The student is somewhat clear in communicating, through writing, an understanding of the story, due to slight confusion of some of the characters and events.

2 - The student has a difficult time communicating, through writing, an understanding of the story, due to much confusion of the events and characters.

1 - The student is unable to communicate clearly, through writing, due to a lack of understanding of the story, characters, and events.

Teacher__________ Student__________



II. Accuracy

4 - All of the entries accurately present and interpret statements and questions related to the story and identify reasonable arguments concerning the validity of the story.

3 - Some of the entries accurately present statements and arguments and often identify some relevant arguments.

2 - The entries misinterpret the evidence presented in the book, and the student has difficulty presenting relevant arguments related to the story.

1 - The entries fail to present accurate statements and questions and have no relevant arguments related to the story.

Teacher__________ Student__________




III. Clear Conclusions

4 - The entries clearly analyze several points of view (possibly as seen by the characters or other students) and offer clear, understandable conclusions.

3 - The entries show some analysis of obvious points of view as given in the book and draw only a few clear conclusions.

2 - The entries falsely interpret the points of view of the story and offer some irrelevant conclusions.

1 - The entries present no obvious points of view, therefore, drawing no clear, relevant conclusions.

Teacher__________ Student__________




IV. Relationships

4 - The entries present exemplary evidence of understanding of the relationships between the book and other classroom activities, such as experiments and discussions.

3 - The entries include some evidence of the understanding of the relationship between readings, activities, and discussions.

2 - The entries present little evidence of an understanding of the relationship between the book and other classroom activities.

1 - The entries present no evidence of an understanding between the book and other classroom activities.

Teacher__________ Student__________




For this particular rubric, the creators of this unit define success to be a score of 3 or 4 on each of the criterion. The scoring and criteria of this rubric may be adjusted to suit the curricular needs of teachers or students.

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