Power Point Rubric


I. Pedagogy

4 - The group uses the correct and most appropriate pedagogy to get their point across to their classmates and teacher during the power point presentation

3 - The group uses correct pedagogy to get their point across to their classmates and teacher during the power point presentation

2 - The group's choice of pedagogy is not the best strategy to get their point across to their classmates and teacher during the power point presentation.

1 - The group shows no mastery of pedagogy with the power point presentation.

Student_____________ Teacher_____________




II. Mechanics

4 - The presentation contains no spelling or grammar errors and its content is appropriate.

3 - Most of the presentation contains no spelling or grammar errors and the content is appropriate.

2 - The presentation contains a few spelling and grammar errors and the content is inaccurate.

1 - The presentation has numerous spelling and grammar errors and has inappropriate and inaccurate content.

Student_____________ Teacher______________




III. User Friendly

4 - The presentation is very "user friendly"(i.e. very flexible, flows well).

3 - The presentation is somewhat "user friendly"(i.e. somewhat flexible, flows well).

2 - The presentation has problems with flexibility and does not flow nicely effectively.

1 - The presentation is not "user friendly." The program does not flow or allow for flexibility.

Student_____________ Teacher_____________




For this particular rubric, the creators of this unit define success to be a score of 3 or 4 on each of the criterion. The scoring and criteria of this rubric may be adjusted to suit the curricular needs of teachers and students.

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