Peer Editing Sheet


Directions: Begin this peer editing session simply by reading your partner's piece

without critiquing it. After you have read through the piece once, read each

of the following questions on this peer editing sheet. Keeping these

questions in mind, read your partner's piece again and try to answer the

questions as you proceed. Write your thoughts and ideas on this paper and

on your partner's piece.

Partner's Name: ______________________ Title of Piece: _______________________

(1) Is your partner's piece guided by an overall theme or statement (i.e. a thesis)?

Identify that statement within your partner's piece and write it here:

Does your partner's piece address this statement adequately and use good

evidence to support it? Identify places where your partner does an

exceptional job and make a note of it. If needed, give some suggestions to help your

partner to stay focused on his or her argument.

(2) For creative writing pieces, does your partner's story, poem, etc., flow and make

sense? Note particular examples of ideas or details that you think are really good.

Are there any details or plot twists that you just do not understand? If so, make a

note of them and explain why you do not understand them.

(3) Does your partner's piece contain transitional phrases and sentences that help the

work to flow logically and smoothly? Make notes in your partner's piece of

transitions that are particularly good. Find where you think this device is

needed and make a note of it. Make sure you explain your reasoning!

(4) Does your partner's piece contain any spelling or grammar errors? Make a note of

any mistake that you think needs to be fixed.

(5) Does your partner properly cite any books, web sites, articles, etc., that he or she may

have used to write his or her piece? Make sure you note anyplace where you think a

citation might be needed and correct any citation errors that may exist.

(6) Overall, comment on the style, tone, and content of the piece. What did you like

about it? What did you find confusing or problematic? Offer any suggestions

you might have to help your partner make his or her piece better.


Your Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________


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My Own Myth lesson