PROCEDURE 1 -- How to construct a simulation whirlpool.

  1. Fill one of the 2 - liter bottles with approximately 24 oz, of water (colored water).
  2. Place a jellybean within the 2 - liter bottle containing water.
  3. Connect the two 2 - liter bottles together at their tops with some very strong tape. (Remember a tight seal is needed for this activity to work).

PROCEDURE 2 -- Flip the connected bottles upside down observing what happens to the jellybean.

  1. Do this a few times as to make sure there is a constant event taking place.

PROCEDURE 3 -- Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be specific.

  1. Did your "whirlpool" work? Why or why not?
  2. What happened to the jellybean? Why?
  3. Do you think that a boat could be sucked down by a whirlpool the same way as the jellybean was sucked down?

Does this activity have any connection to Bermuda Triangle disappearances?


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Wild Whirlpools lesson