Group Participation Rubric

I. Group Behavior

4 - The group always follows the rules of the classroom and is dedicated to creating a positive learning environment for all.

3 - The group usually follows the classroom rules in order to create a positive learning environment for all.

2 - The group rarely follows the rules of the classroom and is not committed to creating a positive learning environment for all.

1 - The group does not follow classroom rules and shows no dedication for creating a positive learning environment for all.

Student _____________ Teacher _____________



  1. Communication Skills

    4 - The student communicates effectively and enthusiastically with group members by expressing a variety of ideas and accepting the opinions of other team members.

    3 - The student communicates with group members by expressing ideas and accepting the opinions of group members.

    2 - The student occasionally communicates ideas with group members and is generally accepting of the opinions of other team members.

    1 - The student does not communicate ideas with group members and does not accept the opinions and ideas of other team members.

    Student _____________ Teacher _____________



  2. Contributions

    The student makes the required contributions to the group (i.e. divide the work equally amongst all group members to determine the appropriate work load)

    Student: Yes______ No_______ Teacher: Yes ______ No ______




  3. Team Roles (Go-For, Presenter, Whip, Recorder, ect.)

    4 - The student actively takes responsibility for his/her roles within the group and effectively performs these roles for the good of the group.

    3 - The student generally takes responsibility for his/her roles within the group and adequately performs these roles.

    2 - The student fails to take responsibility for all of his/her roles within the group and rarely performs these roles.

    1 - The student does not take responsibility for his/her roles within the group and does not perform these roles for the good of the group.

    Student _____________ Teacher _____________



  4. Group Goals
4 - The student actively plays a role in identifying group goals and working towards meeting those goals.

3 - The student identifies some group goals and adequately works towards meeting the goals of the group.

2 - The student identifies few group goals and meets very few of those goals.

1 - The student plays no role in identifying group goals or working towards meeting the goals of the group.

Student _____________ Teacher _____________





For this particular rubric, the creators of this unit define success to be a score of 3 or 4 on each of the criterion. The scoring and criteria of this rubric may be adjusted to suit the curricular needs of teachers or students.

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