Aeolus- God of the Winds

Agamemnon- Greek King who is murdered by wife's new suitor upon his return from Troy and speaks to Odysseus in Hades

Alcinous- Chief of the Sea Kings

Anticleia- Mother of Odysseus

Antinous- Chief suitor to Penelope

Argos- Dog of Odysseus

Arete- Wife of Alcinous and Queen of the Sea Kings

Athene- Goddess of Wisdom and confidante of Odysseus

Calypso- Sea nymph on the island of Ogygia who wants to keep Odysseus as her husband

Charybdis- Sea monster that resembles a whirlpool and gulps down anything

Circe- Enchantress who drugs food and turns men into swine

Eumaeus- Chief swineherd of Odysseus

Eurycleia- Faithful nurse of Odysseus

Eurylochus- Crew member of Odysseus' ships

Eurymachus- Suitor to Penelope

Halisthernes- Interpreter of signs

Helen- Wife of Menelaus and Queen of Sparta who's kidnapping started the Trojan War

Helios- God of the Sun

Hermes- Messenger God

Ino- Nymph that helps Odysseus from drowning after his raft breaks

Irus- Beggar who fights Odysseus

Laertes- Father of Odysseus

Melanthius- Goatherd who betrays Odysseus

Menelaus- King of Sparta, husband of Helen, brother of Agamemnon

Mentor- Faithful friend of Odysseus who watches over Telemachus and Athene often disguises herself as Mentor

Nausicaa- Daughter of Alcinous and Princess of the Sea Kings

Nestor- King of Pylos

Odysseus- Greek war hero who has problems reaching his home of Ithaca

Paris- Trojan warrior who kidnaps Helen to begin the Trojan War

Pisistratus- Son of Nestor and friend of Telemachus

Penelope- Wife of Odysseus

Philoetius- Chief cowherd of Odysseus

Polyphemus- Cyclops and son of Poseidon

Poseidon- God of the Sea

Priam- King of Troy

Scylla- Six-headed sea monster who eats people who sail near its cave

Sirens- Sweet-voiced temptresses who try to lure sailors to their shores

Telemachus- Son of Odysseus

Theoclymenus- Friend of Telemachus

Zeus- King of the Gods

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Read Aloud: The Voyage of Odysseus