Examples of Various Roles on a Ship


Captain - person who is singularly responsible for all aspects of operating a waterborne vessel.

Porter - responsible for insuring the comfort of passengers

First Mate - second in command of ship; insures captain's orders are carried out; takes care of administrative duties for captain

Second Mate - third in command of ship; insures captain's orders are carried out by the crew

Cook - prepares meals for the crew; insures that the crew maintains a proper diet.

Ship doctor - maintains health of the crew; handles any medical emergencies that may arise.

Carpenter - maintains the ship's structural integrity

Preacher - responsible for the spiritual lives of the sailors

Crew - i.e. sailors - performs various duties required on a ship at sea

Boatswain - in charge of rigging on a ship and the appearance of the ship

Helmsperson - steers the ship

Gunner - maintains the weaponry on the ship

Supply Officer - insures that the ship has all the materials necessary to conduct at sea operations (food, repair parts, ammunition, rope, etc.)

Navigator - in charge of plotting and maintaining course and speed of ship

Radio Operator - in charge of ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship communications

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WaveCrest - developed be Tina Huss, Alenne Grabowski, Mike Pable, & Francis M. Redmon

This page submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program