Overview of Plotting Stars


Attached is a list of stars and their coordinates (declination and right ascension) in fall season.  The map will be centered around the north celestial pole.  A sample blank map is attached.

The circles on the map represent the different degrees of declination.  The lines outward from the center of the map are the lines of right ascension (in hours which can be divided further into minutes).

To plot a star, first look at the hours and minutes of right ascension for that star.  Locate the line that corresponds to these particular hours and minutes.  The star will lie somewhere along this line.

Next look at the degrees of declination for the star.  Locate the circle that corresponds to these particular degrees.

The star is located where this circle and the line of right ascension cross.  Place a dot to signify the star's position.

Back to The Stars: A Start to the Sea

WaveCrest - developed be Tina Huss, Alenne Grabowski, Mike Pable, & Francis M. Redmon

This page submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program