Lab Questions

1.  List the materials you chose to construct your boat.  Give a brief explanation of why you chose these materials.

2.  Sketch the design of your boat.

3.  Did you have any problems building your boat?  If so, what were the problems and how would you do things differently next time to build a boat?

4.  What did you do to get the boat to travel in different directions with respect to the wind?  For example, could you get your boat to travel downwind?  Upwind?  With the wind at the side of the boat?

5.  How do you think the shape of the hull effected the way the boat moved in the water?

6.  Did your boat tip over?  If so, what would you need to do to prevent this in the future>

7.  Briefly describe how the wind from the side of the boat can make it travel in a straight line.

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WaveCrest - developed be Tina Huss, Alenne Grabowski, Mike Pable, & Francis M. Redmon

This page submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program