Library Scavenger Hunt


1.  Locate one informational book that deals with coral reefs. Write down the title, author, and dewey decimal number of the book.

2.Ý Find some information on coral reefs in an encyclopedia. Quickly skim over the section on coral reefs. Write down the name of the encyclopedia, and write down one important fact that you learned about coral reefs from the reading.

3.Ý Locate a magazine article that deals with coral reefs. Write down the magazine title, author, and name of the article for future reference.

4.Ý Search through any of the periodicals (newspaper, magazine, etc.) and locate one article that discusses a current event dealing with coral reefs. Write down the headline or title of the article and briefly describe the main idea of the article.

5.Ý Search through the childrenís literature section of the library.  Find one book that you think might be useful to read when studying about the ocean and coral reefs.  Draw a sketch of its front cover.

6.Ý Locate the adolescent literature (chapter books) in your library.  Write down the title and author of one book that you think could be used for studying oceans and coral reefs.

7.Ý Surf the web for a while.  Write down the names of a few of the sites that you located dealing with coral reefs.  See if you can find the names of two animals that might live in a coral reef.

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Coral Reefs - developed by Kristen Treadway, Jenny Mavis, T. J. Beck, & Jim O'Keefe

This page submitted by the St. Norbert College Ocean Voyager Program