Rubric - Rescue Story

Creativity and originality:
4  Story contains numerous unique, insightful, and detailed ideas.
3  Story contains several unique, insightful, and detailed ideas.
2  Story contains few unique, insightful, and detailed ideas.
1  Story contains no unique, insightful and detailed ideas.


Effective organization:
4  Has a consistent organization or pattern of ideas.
3  Has a fairly consistent organization or pattern of ideas.
2  Ideas do not follow a logical pattern or organizational structure.
1  Ideas are randomly arranged and poorly organized.


Coverage of topic:
4  Story effectively represents the group topic, providing a large amount of useful information and exploring many
   avenues of the topic.
3  Story represents the group topic for the most part, providing some useful information and exploring more than one
     avenue of the topic.
2  Story somewhat represents the group topic, providing a little useful information.
1  Story does not represent the group topic and provides no useful information.

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Submitted By St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program