4 Contains many unique, insightful, and detailed ideas.
3 Contains several unique, insightful, and detailed ideas.
2 Contains few unique, insightful, and detailed ideas.
1 Contains no unique, insightful and detailed ideas.
Effective use of several modalities:
4 Identifies and uses 3 or more modalities.
3 Identifies and uses 2 modalities.
2 Identifies and uses only 1 modality.
1 Has no clear understanding of different modalities.
Effective organization:
4 Has a consistent organization or pattern of items.
3 Has a fairly consistent organization or pattern of items.
2 Items do not follow a logical pattern or organizational structure.
1 Items are randomly arranged and poorly organized.
Effective balance:
4 Items are well distributed across the entire display, creating a
balance of weight and visual attraction.
3 Items are mostly distributed across the entire display.
2 Items are somewhat distributed across the entire display.
1 Items are not well distributed. Items are “clumped” in a few areas,
creating no balance of weight and visual attraction.
4 Items are carefully and neatly arranged with no visually noticeable
mistakes of layout.
3 Items are mostly carefully and neatly arranged with few visually
noticeable mistakes of layout.
2 Items are somewhat carefully and neatly arranged with several visually
noticeable mistakes of layout.
1 Items are not carefully and neatly arranged with many visually noticeable
mistakes of layout.
Coverage of topic:
4 Display effectively represents the group topic, providing a large
amount of useful information and exploring many
avenues of the topic.
3 Display mostly represents the group topic, providing some useful
information and exploring more than one avenue of
the topic.
2 Display somewhat represents the group topic, providing a little
useful information.
1 Display does not represent the group topic, providing no useful
Submitted By St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program