Group Member Evaluation

His/Her role
  1. He/she fulfilled all of the duties of his/her role in my group.
  2. He/she fulfilled some of the duties of his/her role in my group.
  3. He/she fulfilled none of the duties of his/her role in my group.
His/Her input
  1. He/she gave a lot of input to the group.
  2. He/she gave some input to the group.
  3. He/she gave little input to the group.
His/Her discussion
  1. He/she contributed many times during discussion.
  2. He/she contributed a couple times during discussion.
  3. He/she contributed at least once during discussion.
His/Her effort
  1. He/she did the best that he/she could.
  2. He/she worked slightly below his/her best.
  3. He/she didn’t try his/her best.
Additional comments:

Sailing into the 19th Century - developed by Angela Hammerlind, Renee Kust, & Kevin Feyen

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This page submitted by St. Norbert Ocean Voyagers Program