Bonnie's Voyage

    Bonnie woke up that Saturday afternoon with great excitement. It was time for her to make her first trip in her brand new boat. She had just bought the boat two days ago and it was time for her to sail to the homes of her brother and sisters to show them the boat.

    After a quick breakfast, she went to the dock where "Misty Morning", her new boat, awaited her. Even looking at the boat made her excited for the voyage.

    She was in the village of West Sands on Seagull Island. From there she would go to North Point, Seagull Island to see her brother Ralph. Then she would sail on to see Suzy, Lisa, Thomas, and Henry. All of them lived on different islands, and she was happy to be able to sail to see them in her own boat.

    "Misty Morning" was a sturdy boat. It only had room for about two people and a little bit of luggage, but it was just right for Bonnie.

    She set sail for North Point to visit Ralph. Making sure that she would find the village okay, she made sure that her compass was always leading her Northeast. The trip was a short one. It was only 1 1/2 miles.

    She found the village without any problem, spent some time talking with Ralph, and then started for Crab Island to visit her sister Suzy. She sailed at 290 for about three miles.

    After visiting Suzy, she set sail for Bargain Island where she would see her sister Lisa. Again, she had to watch her compass very closely, making sure that it always read 45.  The trip was three miles and went very smoothly.

    Lisa and Bonnie had lunch together. Her next trip to Far Reach Island was a long one and Bonnie hadn't eaten for a while. After lunch and "Good-bye's", Bonnie sailed for Far Reach Island to visit Thomas, her oldest sibling. That trip was six and a half miles, the longest of the day. It was easy to sail straight West, though. She only had to keep the sun behind her. She watched her compass very closely, too.

    After receiving many compliments on "Misty Morning" from Thomas, she quickly sailed South to Spotter's Island where her brother Henry lived. She had to hurry a little bit because the sun was starting to go down. She was glad that the trip was only three miles.

    After having supper with Henry, she climbed back into "Misty Morning" for the last trip of the day. She had to get back to Seagull Island that night. It was a long trip, too. The sun was already setting as she left Spotter's Island.

    The sunset was just off to her left for the beginning of the trip. She was heading a perfect 100 for the six mile trip. When the sun was gone, she had to watch her compass a lot closer.

    Soon the stars started to come out. They would help her find her way, too. She easily found Polaris, the North Star, and kept it on her left side.

    The trip was long, and Bonnie was tired when she got home that night. She was glad, though. It was good to see her family again and she was awfully glad that she knew her directions well enough to get everywhere she wanted to go without getting lost.

Sailing into the 19th Century - developed by Angela Hamerlind, Renee Kust, & Kevin Feyen

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This page submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program