What Do I Need to Survive?
The students will learn how to do weight conversions.
The students will use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
500 - 1000 index cards cut in half
weight conversion chart
item weight chart
2. Set the conversion chart and the weight chart up in the front of the classroom and go over the conversions with the class.
3. Pass out an envelope to each student.
4. Tell the students their envelopes will carry 60 pounds.
5. Have the pile of note cards in the front of the classroom.
6. Tell the students they must copy the items from the weight chart
they want to bring with them on to a note card. One item for each note
card. The following are suggested items for the weight chart:
8. The students will put their items in the envelopes with the final weight on written the outside.
9. The students will present to the class their final weight, what they are bringing, and why they are bringing it.
10. Discuss with the class what items are most important to have and what can be left behind.
The students must have converted their weights properly. Criteria for success: The students will not be able to exceed the weight of 60 pounds.
The students must perform the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division correctly. Criteria for success: The students will have the appropriate weight for the amount of survival items they brought.
Curriculum Strands and Major Concepts:
Language Arts- expressing their ideas to the class
Social Studies - using their survival skills and ideas.
Possible Extensions:
Have the students go to the grocery store and do math work with every day food.
The Titanic - developed by Kelly Coleman, Nikki Cosgrove, Megan Mills, & Dorothy Weber
This page submitted by St. Norbert College
Ocean Voyagers Program.