The students will be able to find the ratio of men/women, dead/surviving, and compare ages of the passengers.
The students will be introduced to the diversity of people that were aboard the Titanic.
2.Ý Make a hard copy of a passenger list for each group of students.
3.Ý Let the students look over the lists for a few minutes.
4.Ý Begin a short discussion with the following
What are some of the job descriptions of the crew?
By looking at the names, were there a great deal of families aboard the Titanic? (These are just a few questions that the teacher could use to introduce this activity to the students.)
5.Ý Next introduce the problems the students must
ratio of living to dead
% of 1st, 2nd, 3rd class passengers that survived and died
% of crew members that survived and died
6.Ý The students will work on one problem at a time. For each problem they will have to explain how they worked it out.
7.Ý The class will reconvene, explain, and share their results to the problems.
8.Ý The students will engage in a discussion pointing out surprises and unexpected outcomes.
Proficient - completes all problems with little to no errors; most problem solving strategies are appropriate; explains briefly how they solved each problem
Novice - completes some of the problems with some errors; problem solving strategies are few; explains briefly how they solved each problem
Unemployable - completes few of the problems with many errors; no problem solving strategies; does not explain how problem was solved if solved at all
Curricular Strands and Major Concepts:
Math - using mathematical concepts to figure out the problems
Language Arts - discussing and using their communication skills to figure out problems
Social Studies - learning about their heritage by looking at the passenger list.
The Titanic - developed by Kelly Coleman, Nikki Cosgrove, Megan
Mills, & Dorothy Weber
This page submitted by St. Norbert
College Ocean Voyagers Program.