Trip to the Stars
To discuss why the stars do not look the same everywhere and in all seasons.
To use their constellation maps to locate the constellations.
Content Areas:
Social Studies - mapping skills
Language Arts - listening, discussion and journal writing
Local planetarium
Transportation and Chaperones (if necessary)
Guest Speaker
Procedure: (1 hour - may vary with time to travel)
2) Go to the planetarium. Many high schools have a facility you many be able to use. If this is not an option, check in your local community for actual planetariums or try to rent a "simulated" planetarium.
3) Ask an expert in the field of astronomy to introduce the planetarium and its features to the students.
4) Ask students to use their maps to find constellations in the planetarium.
5) Upon completion of the trip, require students to write a reflective response in their journals.
Students will be assessed based on their journal entry. Criteria for success: Each question asked by the teacher must be answered in the journal. Grading for this will vary with each individual teacher's criteria.
Encourage students to create poetry related to the stars or a specific constellation.
Making Waves - written by Jennifer Cannistra, Jamie Hanna, Michael LeRoy, & Kim Mongoven
This page was submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program