Our Own Water Music
To compose a “water” piece of their own in a cooperative group.
Content Areas:
Music - composing, listening, notating, performing
Language Arts - notating a musical piece in written form
Beaters for the glasses - could use a variety of things to achieve different sounds
Paper and pencils for notation
Recording of Handle's "Water Suite Music”
Procedure: (1 hour)
2) Ask students to hypothesize about what would happen if you tapped on the edge of a glass with varying levels of water. Does the sound get higher or lower with more or less water? etc. Relate this to volume exercises done earlier to connect with science.
3) Give students time to experiment with glasses and water and test their initial guesses.
4) In small cooperative groups, have students compose their own “water” pieces. They may notate it in any way they like - encouraging contemporary notation.
5) Have students perform “water” pieces for the entire class.
Making Waves - written by Jennifer Cannistra, Jamie Hanna, Michael LeRoy, & Kim Mongoven
This page was submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program