How to use the Internet

Day 2






Curricular Strands:

Possible Extensions:

The Internet Activity sheet Below is a list of people, places, and things. From this list, you will try to locate a web site that has information on the key word in the left hand column. Once you have located a site that has information on your subject, you will be required to record the web address in the space given. Additionally, you will need to provide a short synopsis on what you found on the web page you were looking at (use complete sentences). For example, you will want to state what was on the web page and then discuss your likes and dislikes about this web site. Below is one example.

Students will be required to find two sources of material from the Internet that deal with their island. Below, they must list the web site and provide a brief synopsis using complete sentences and proper grammer.

Carribean Unit - written by Trina Collins, Richard Wheeler, & Daniel Shimek

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This page submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program