How to use the Internet
Day 2
2. Students will complete a short activity sheet on the Internet so they feel comfortable working on the it.
Internet guide
2. Find out how much the students know about the Internet and build from what they already know.
Note: Try to have students with Internet knowledge work with those who don't have much knowledge on the Internet.
A. As part of the first activity, students will be given an activity sheet
with several items on it to find. They will be required to locate specific
information and then record the address of where they found the information.
B. In addition to recording the address, students will be required to complete
a short synopsis on what was on the web site. See hand-out for an example.
4. It is important that the students be given as much time to search the Internet as possible. If necessary, allow for more time on the following day.
Curricular Strands:
Cooperative learning - group work on Internet
Possible Extensions:
The Internet Activity sheet Below is a list of people, places, and things. From
this list, you will try to locate a web site that has information on the key
word in the left hand column. Once you have located a site that has information
on your subject, you will be required to record the web address in the space
given. Additionally, you will need to provide a short synopsis on what you found
on the web page you were looking at (use complete sentences). For example, you
will want to state what was on the web page and then discuss your likes and
dislikes about this web site. Below is one example.
Mountain bikes:
Bill Clinton:
San Juan:
This page submitted by St. Norbert College Ocean Voyagers Program