Save the Galapagos!

Unit Topic: The Galapagos Islands

Grade Level: Middle School

Basic Concepts: Global citizenship, stewardship, activism

Content Areas: Language Arts, Social Studies

Time: 1 1/2 hours




Phase 1: Read the book The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Relate the underlying themes of activism and conservation in the book to the responsibility that the students have to care for the planet. The class can discuss general ways that they can have an positive impact in the world. This leads into phase 2, which gives the students a specific opportunity to make a difference.

Phase 2: The Galapagos Conservation Trust is a great web site that offers the opportunity for the students to do something for the islands. The address is:

There is an e-mail address that the students can write to for more information about what they could do to help.

Part 3: Have a bake sale at the middle school to raise money to support the Galapagos Conservation Trust. (There is a donation form at the web site). The students can proceed to make propaganda to advertise the bake sale. Have them decide the best techniques for advertising this event. Students would benefit from working in groups. Ask for a group of students to volunteer to organize and plan the details of the bake sale. They can ask other students for assistance.

Set a date. Encourage parents and teachers to stop by and purchase the baked goods.


Seuss, Dr. (1971). The lorax. Random House Children’s Publication: West Minster, Maryland.

Assessment: After the bake sale is finished, we can talk as a class about what worked and what could be done better next time. Students can give feedback to one another. Success will be measured by the students- how they feel things went. They can write their opinions on a survey, and verbalize them in the class discussion. (The survey is attached).

Extension: Students can see if there are any other activities we could tackle that were suggested in the reply letters from the Conservation Trust.





Bake Sale Survey

Do you think the bake sale was successful? Why or why not?







Is there anything you would change to make it a better experience?






Do you feel that you have helped to make a difference to the Galapagos Islands through this contribution? Why or why not?







What did you learn from participating in this activity?





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