Performance Rubric



4 The group as a whole actively communicated and worked well together.

3 The group as a whole participated in the performance.

2 The group appeared to have a few problems working together.

1 The group appeared to have problems working together.



4 The performance was well planned and delivered confidently.

3 The performance was well planned, with a few problems in the delivery.

2 The performance could've benefited from more planning time, consequently there were problems during the delivery.

1 There was evidence of lack of planning; the delivery was not effective.


Individual Roles

4 Every individual had a role in the performance, and demonstrated evidence of contributions.

3 The roles in the performance were not entirely equal. Not all students demonstrated evidence of contributing.

2 The roles were not equal. It was evident not all students contributed.

1 It appeared that only a couple students were contributing to the performance.


Creativity and Props

4 The group was very creative and made good use of props.

3 The group completed the performance and used props.

2 The group's performance could've benefited with the use of more props.

1 The group's performance was very drab and lacked the use of props.


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