The Galapagos Islands

Galapagos National Park Rules

Unit Topic: The Galapagos Islands

Grade Level: Middle School

Basic Concepts: Respect, Preservation, Conservation

Content Areas: Language Arts, Science

Time: 1 1/2 hour




Activity 1

Phase 1: Students will be introduced to the Galapagos National Park Rules. Students should understand that these rules have been established to protect the delicate and unique environment. Anyone who visits the Galapagos must strictly abide by these rules.

Materials: a copy of the complete Park Rules for the teacher


Phase 2: In groups of 2-3, students will be asked to determine the consequences that may occur if these rules are broken. In other words, they will be asked to find the motivation for establishing each rule. Each group will be given one rule to discuss. A student copy of the Park Rules follows. On the student copy only the actual rule is given; the explanation is the part that the students must come up with. Students may think of more reasons than are listed. Also, remind students that the rules apply not only to the islands, but also to the marine environment surrounding the islands. Therefore, their responses should apply to both land and marine environments.

Materials: student copy of the Park Rules


Phase 3: The class will then be asked to connect this activity to their literature circle reading. Which of the issues have appeared in the student's reading and in what context? What role did the characters play? What problems or consequences arose? What was the outcome?

Materials: None


Phase 4: Students will respond to this activity in their journals.

Materials: Journal


Assessment: Assessment will be made on the basis of the students' journal entries. Inform the students of what criteria you will be looking for. See the following rubric. A successful student will receive no less than two "Always" and one "Sometimes."



  1. Students may wish to further investigate the policies and procedures of the Galapagos National Park using the Internet or other library media.

  2. Students may wish to find out whether parks in their community have similar rules.

  3. Students may wish to study more in depth the effects of introduced species, pollution, and tourism.



Park Rules from: International Galapagos Tour Operators Association. (November 6, 1997). [On-line].


Other Suggested Resources (*denotes "youth-friendly"):















Galapagos National Park Rules

1. No plant, animal, or remains of such (including shells, bones, and pieces of wood), or other natural object should be removed or disturbed. This is illegal, and can harm the ecological balance of the islands.

2. Be careful not to transport any live material to the islands, or from island to island. Check your clothing for seeds or insects before each landing and departure. Each island has its own unique fauna and flora, and introduced species can quickly destroy these ecosystems.

3. Do not take any food to the uninhabited islands, for the same reason. The orange seed you drop may become a tree.

4. Do not touch or handle the animals. They will quickly become fearful and lose their remarkable fearlessness if they are approached by human invaders.

5. Do not feed the animals. It can be dangerous to you, and in the long run would destroy the animals' social structure and breeding habits. You came here to see a completely natural situation. Please do not interfere with it.

6. Do not startle or chase any animal from its resting or nesting spot. Be especially careful among the breeding seabird colonies. An exposed booby chick can die within minutes, or be scooped up by a hungry frigatebird.

7. Stay within the areas designated as visiting sites. Watch for trails and areas marked by the white wooden stakes. This way you can experience the islands while causing as little damage as possible.

8. Do not leave any litter on the islands, or throw any off your boat. Carry along a bag of some sort if you're going to have any disposals, such as film wrappers or kleenex. Litter is not only ugly; more importantly it can cause serious physical harm to the animals. Sea turtles, for example, will eat plastics thrown overboard and die when it blocks their digestive tract.

9. Do not deface the rocks. No graffiti-this is not the New York subway.

10. Do not buy souvenirs or objects made of plants or animals from the islands. If anyone offers you any, please advise the National Park Service.

11. Do not visit the islands unless accompanied by a licensed National Park guide. And follow his or her instructions at all times

12. Restrict your visits to officially approved areas. There are certain areas where the public is permitted, and others where access is restricted or prohibited. Your guide and captain know which areas you are allowed to visit. Don't try to get them to take you somewhere you're not supposed to be.

13. Show your conservationist attitude. Explain rules to others, and help to enforce them. Notify the Park Service if you see any damage being done. You could be a decisive factor in the islands' preservation.


International Galapagos Tour Operators Association. (November 6, 1997). [On-line]. Available Internet:


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Galapagos National Park Rules

(Student Copy)


1. No plant, animal, or remains of such (including shells, bones, and pieces of wood), or other natural object should be removed or disturbed.

2. Be careful not to transport any live material to the islands, or from island to island.

3. Do not take any food to the uninhabited islands,

4. Do not touch or handle the animals.

5. Do not feed the animals.

6. Do not startle or chase any animal from its resting or nesting spot.

7. Stay within the areas designated as visiting sites.

8. Do not leave any litter on the islands, or throw any off your boat.

9. Do not deface the rocks.

10. Do not buy souvenirs or objects made of plants or animals from the islands.

11. Do not visit the islands unless accompanied by a licensed National Park guide.

12. Restrict your visits to officially approved areas.

13. Show your conservationist attitude.


International Galapagos Tour Operators Association. (November 6, 1997). [On-line]. Available Internet:

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