"Recreational Activities at Sea"


1. Gain an awareness of recreational activities available at sea by comparing and contrasting recreational activities that take place in your hometown versus the Caribbean throughout the year.

2. Compile information and present findings to the class.


1. Handout on Marianne Riedman and Jacques Cousteau

2. "Recreation at Sea" word search

3. Various magazines


Sakamoto Steidl, Kim. (1993). Environmental Portraits: People Making a Difference for the Environment. Carthage: Good Apple.


This lesson will require 2 hours, 40 minutes to 3 hours, 15 minutes. (Part 1 [40 - 55 minutes]; Part 2 [1 hour ]; Part 3 [1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes])



This lesson will create an awareness to recreational water activities that take place in your hometown versus the Caribbean throughout the year.

Part 1:

Step 1-Each student will read the hand-out on Marianne Riedman and Jacques Cousteau. Each student will receive a word search worksheet on "Recreation at Sea"

Step 2 - Short discussion on recreational activities, Marianne Riedman, and Jacques Cousteau.

Part 2:

Step 3 - Each student will select from a hat one month of the year. They will make a collage comparing water recreational activities in their hometown versus the Caribbean. Their collage should consist of: Pictures, words, phrases, and descriptions of each location.


Comparison of winter clothing versus summer clothing

Differences in protective gear

Part 3:

Step 4 - Students will present their collage to the class while explaining the month of the year they selected and the comparison of recreational differences.


1. Teacher will make assessment on the "Recreation at Sea" Word-search worksheet. (Criteria for success = X number of words found and accurate information of questions. Reasonable criteria %=80% of handout answered correctly.)

2. Teacher and peers will assess the creativity, appearance, accuracy, and oral presentation of each student's collage. (Criteria for success= will vary among teachers.)


1. Language Arts - Oral presentation, reading of literature hand-outs.

2. Science - Comparison of climates throughout the year.

3. Social Studies -Comparison of locations.

4. Art - Collage.


1. Explore the idea of how recreational activities become occupations.

2. Compare a cruise staff/personnel to a cruise tourist.

(How are their journey's different?)


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