Poetry Rubric


Word Choice

4 = Now we're talking word choice! These are powerful. I couldn't have found any better words myself. Your readers are in for a treat!

3 = Getting better. Did you know that some poets look for months for the perfect word?

2 = Good. You need to spend more time searching for the word(s) that will do exactly what you want.

1 = Hey! What's the matter? Use your word imagination. You've got words in your head.

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4 = Hey, I like this! Your word placement will draw your readers into your poem. It will intrigue their eyes as well as their ears.

3 = That's better, but think DESIGN. How can you design your words and lines to match your meaning?

2 = Good attempt, but you need to find a better match between your poem and your design. Your design should help the readers better understand your poem.

1 = You really need to at least try to have your design improve and match your poem. It's not an impossible task, you just need to try.

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4 = No errors in the use of punctuation marks, capital letters, grammar, and spelling.

3 = Few errors in the use of punctuation marks, capital letters, grammar, and spelling.

2 = Some errors in the use of punctuation marks, capital letters, grammar, and spelling.

1 = Many errors in the use of punctuation marks, capital letters, grammar, and spelling.

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