Guide Questions for the "Historical Group"



1. What date did the Titanic set sail? When did it sink?



2. Why were people traveling to the United States of America? What did the U.S.A. have to offer them?



3. Who was the president of the United States when the Titanic sank? Was he from the Republican or Democratic party?



4. What wars were going on in the world, if any?



5. What was the main U.S. crop of the time?



6. What era was the United States of America in? (The Revolutionary?, The Industrial?, etc.)



7. Was the telephone, TV, or car invented at the time of the Titanic's sinking?



8. Make a time line of major events around the sinking of the Titanic. (Go 10 years before and after it sank.)



9. Find at least two more interesting facts about the hostorical time period.



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